Galea Wiki

A year during the Age of Conjunction.

It is discovered the Infernus' lord, Lucifer desires the power of the Tower. Stony God-Fist and an elite group including representatives of several nations allied now with Durg, enter the tower in pursuit of its power and to destroy it. Whe nthe heroes arrive at the top, they find Kor's son battered and nearly dead. He transferes his divine power into Stony and the dwarven god of wrestling is born. In the end Lucifer releases Hundreds of MDSs onto the world. The soldiers may cause problems in the future. Lucifer retreats back to Infernus.

The Arcanaught Plague finally subsides with the summoning of Umbrak. The Dean of the University of Mayrid, Aspin Matriox, is killed as a sacrifice that summons the god to the mortal realm. Umbrak is defeated and the gods put him back into his prison.

Luminous arrive on Dwordocath.
